Once upon a time...

There was one little dot. Everything in life starts from one little dot, doesn't it?

At first the dot was so tiny, you could barely see it. But it was growing, becoming bigger and stronger. And it was wonderful to witness the process. However, it was't an easy pregnancy for Maya. In fact it was a challenging one. She had to lay down almost throughout the whole time. But Maya was restless. Her brain was working like a popcorn machine - constantly popping with ideas and thoughts. But one idea really did stuck.

After nine months Maya gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl. But something else was born as well. In 2010 with plenty of courage and lots of love, Cleverbook Publishing House was created.

Maya named her publishing house Cleverbook with a purpose. She envisioned a world where education seamlessly blended with enjoyment, where children could explore the wonders of learning without feeling burdened. Cleverbook Publishing House became a haven for creativity and imagination for young minds.

And WOOW, what a journey that was - challenging and consuming, but absolutely inspiring and worth the while. Maya left her corporate job as a CEO of one of the most influential business magazines in Bulgaria, so she can dedicate all of her time to her three children and one big dream - to make learning fun and easy.

With a dedicated team, Maya transformed Cleverbook into a beloved brand for educational cards and books in Bulgaria. Their materials, blending fun and learning, gained popularity, expanding globally.

As we open our doors to the UK, we welcome you to be part of this transformative experience. With a rich collection of educational materials, interactive cards, and engaging books, each child is empowered to embrace the love of learning.

Thank you for reading our story, it is nice to meet you you here :)

Let us introduce ourselves.

This is Maya - Founder and CEO of Cleverbook Publishing House 

She works while taking care of her three kids and takes care of the kids, while working. In the span of a normal day her chores are quite diverse – ranging from braiding her daughter’s hair to negotiations with foreign publishing houses. Maya researches and offers new products, communicates fluently in English and French and maps out the marketing strategy of the Publishing house.



This is Slavena - Market Development Partner 

She is a devoted mother and an experienced professional in marketing and sales, gracefully juggling her dual roles. Her daily life is a mix of heartfelt moments with her daughter and the challenges of the marketing world. Driven by a mission to make a difference, she believes in empowering early childhood education as a catalyst for global change. She believes in the strength of community and actively contributes to it, by sharing knowledge and resources to help others make informed choices for their children.